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Villa Celsa Sovicille

Villa Celsa
Celsa, Sovicille
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The castle, built as a defensive bulwark of the republic of Siena, in the sixteenth century it was transformed into a residence for the initiative of the owner Mino Celsi. The restoration of the sixteenth century can be attributed to the architect Baldassarre Peruzzi, who certainly intervened in the design and arrangement of the circular chapel outside the walls of terracing. In May 1554 the complex was destroyed by the Austro-Spanish imperial troops of Charles V. During the seventeenth century, together with the restoration of the building, were made part of the wonderful Baroque gardens. In 1802 the property passed to the Chigi family, who transformed the house into a Gothic castle. A further restoration of the house and the garden is due to the principles Aldobrandini, Celsa owners at the beginning of the twentieth century. Despite the numerous works carried out over the centuries, the building retains its original character sixteenth keeping only the ancient castle tower southeast corner. The villa includes a central courtyard triangular in shape, enclosed by a wall with three doors, which lead to a series of terraces gently sloping.
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